EMAC Sheth winner

The Chair of Energy and Public Economics was the winner of this year's EMAC Sheth Competition, securing recognition for their research proposal entitled Increasing Sustainable Consumption (proposed by Ursa Bernardic, Suchita Srinivasan, and Massimo Filippini)

The announcement was made during the annual EMAC conference held in Odense, Denmark, where the world's leading marketing scholars and professionals gather to exchange knowledge and expertise. The EMAC-Sheth Foundation Sustainability Research Competition, named after distinguished marketing scholars Jagdish N. Sheth and Shelby D. Hunt, aims to promote excellence in marketing research by recognizing outstanding proposals on sustainability that exhibit exceptional rigor, originality, and relevance to the field. Each year, the competition attracts submissions from several institutions around the world.

Ursa Bernardic presenting at EMAC conference
Ursa Bernardic presenting at EMAC conference held in Odense, Denmark