Presentation at the IAREP-SABE 47th International Conference

Ursa Bernardic presented the paper "EVAdopt: Increasing Electrical Vehicle Adoption with personalized nudging" at the IAREP-SABE 47th International Conference on 9th June 2023 in Nice, France.
Published chapter in the Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing

Davide Cerruti published the book chapter "Pricing and other instruments for climate change mitigation in private transport" in the Handbook on Transport Pricing and Financing, Elgar Publishing. The chapter was coauthored by Prof. Henrik Andersson and Prof. Cristian Huse.
Presentation at the International Transportation Economics Association Annual Conference

Davide Cerruti presented the paper "Adoption of plug-in electric vehicles: the role of solar PV and government incentives" at the Annual Conference of the International Transportation Economics Association, held in Santander (Spain) at University of Cantabria on the 14-16 June, 2023.
Seminar and Excursion with ETH Students at Capanna Piansecco

ETH researchers Massimo Filippini and Suchita Srinivasan conducted and organised an excursion to the Capanna Piansecco in Bedretto Valley, Ticino on 2nd and 3rd of June, 2023, accompanying about 15 students from different Masters programmes at ETH.
EMAC Sheth winner

The Chair of Energy and Public Economics was the winner of this year's EMAC Sheth Competition, securing recognition for their research proposal entitled Increasing Sustainable Consumption (proposed by Ursa Bernardic, Suchita Srinivasan, and Massimo Filippini)